In all my years of wargaming I have never actually collected a proper 40k army. Weird. I have had figures from pretty much every army but never seriously worked on them (unlike my fantasy armies). So this year I am selling tons of my old stuff (mainly Empire and Dogs of War) and restocking my withered paint selection (currently zero paints!) and building a Catachan Jungle fighter Imperial guard army. I am rarely satisfied to create a standard figure and nearly always add some kind of twist to make them unique. Here are just a few...
I am really pleased with the Sgt. in the middle. The bionic arm and leg came from an old space marine.
These three are part of my veteran squad, Sgt. in the middle.
The snipers, I just want to add camo cloaks to the two on the left.
A few special weapons...
Looking good. When are we going to see them painted! ;)